In 2013, our students, staff and P&C undertook to update our school banner statement (previously 'Initiative, Integrity, Industry') and school creed to align them to our current values.
Our last day of 2013 was spent in the beautiful surroundings of Rocky Creek Dam, where students and our parents worked collaboratively to gather ideas and share understandings.
Information gathered from the day can be found in the document below.
Values in NSW Public Schools identifies 9 core values:
- Integrity
- Excellence
- Fairness
- Responsibility
- Democracy
- Cooperation
- Participation
- Respect
- Care
For more information about Values in NSW Public Schools.
To identify the Core Values that represent what students, staff and parents feel represent our school, we aligned the NSW Public Schools 9 core values with our feedback and came up with 6 common values:
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Cooperation
- Care
- Participation
- Integrity.
We have now compiled our responses from students, staff and the wider school community to select 3 specific core values. Our new Core Values are:
- Respect
- Integrity
- Care
- in the classroom
- in the playground
- during Buddhism and Japanese
- in the library
- on excursions
- travelling to and from school
- during sport
- in the bathrooms
- in the school vegetable garden
- during Active After School Communities
In the coming weeks we will invite our parents and community to join us, as students demonstrate and lead information sessions about their expectations for our school. We will also look at how students might demonstrate Respect, Integrity and Care at home and ask parents to suggest ideas to enhance student learning.